How To Get The Most Out Of Your Moving Boxes

Moving house or office can be a huge undertaking that brings with it a lot of stress. If it is your first move, you are no doubt going to be quite nervous, and it is easy to forgo part of the process in this nervous excitement. Most people assume that all moving boxes are created equally, but this could not be further from the truth. If you are getting moving boxes, then you need to understand what makes a good one and how to find the best deal. [Read More]

Decluttering and preparing to move house

Preparing to move to a new home can involve lots of work — there's a lot to arrange, from new internet service to new insurance and a wealth of other details like vehicle and voting registration. But it's also an opportunity to take stock of what you have and decide on what you need. As you're getting ready for your household removalist to collect your belongings, take the opportunity to assess what you really want to take with you. [Read More]

How to Store Paper and Digital Tax Records

Australian law requires you to store records of any tax paid for five years. If you only need to store your personal tax records, you may be able to use a home filing cabinet. However, if you operate a small or medium sized business, it is likely you will not have space at home or in your workplace to store tax paperwork and other information. If this is the case, you should consider hiring a self-storage unit. [Read More]

Moving Interstate with Just a Little Less Stress

Moving interstate is a mammoth task and one that can put huge amounts of stress on you if you're not prepared. In fact, moving house is one of the most stressful things you'll do in everyday life. Unlike a conventional move, the chances are you won't be in a position to just nip over to the property beforehand to clean up. Whilst dedicated interstate removalists will help to lessen the burden, there are still plenty of tasks left for you to do, from organising the bills to cleaning the property. [Read More]